April Showers The Third - NIGHT 3 (12/16)

Tssk Tssk I like how you’re handling the pressure and I really don’t like that I like that

Also sorry for cursing at you

Chomps provided a reason mech-wise that Willow is evil, I provided a reason social-wise that Willow is evil.

Day 2 wolf bad ???
Relax, it happens to everyone being wrong.

I would be surprised if there’s not 1 wolf that we’re wagoning rn.
It’s just a matter of thinking which one is more likely to flip W.
I feel like I’m a bit biased in the fact that some slots (Including Frost) attempted to have me be suspected and wagoned at certain points, so I’m trying not to just hyperfocus there

D3 Votecount

Frostwolf103 (4): Jarek, Chomps, Marluna, Leafia
Willow (3): Canping, Frostwolf103, carbonated
Jarek (1): pandora

Not Voting (5): Rhea, Kiiruma, soweli, SMILEY, ElizaThePsycho

VOTE: willow

the wolves are just inactive watch

If I have to vote to break the tie I will but I will not lift a finger before the last minute of EOD

Don’t change now, Willow was the vote the wolves were comfortable with, left in the thread with no challenge for hours

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@Kiiruma @soweli @ElizaThePsycho There’s a chance for cfd here which is just bad for us, please vote Frost with me.

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@Rhea you too haven’t seen you today???

You want Willow the countervoting against me? Are you actually real?

VOTE: Frost

Seems like a gamer move to do and you’re right that based on wagon composition, wolves seemed happy-ish with Willow just being the execution earlier on. It could be because they thought that fighting it would make them look worse, but I digress


Chomps sure can’t take a loss, but let’s be honest: Who’s the wolf on Willow’s wagon earlier if you and Chomps are in union saying the wolves are comfortable in voting Willow?

Why not? No reason for town or wolf willow to not vote you, better to just warn.

Willow is a valid choice as well, you only didn’t inform them of this.

I am talking about Willow specifically, and the others I am guiding towards the one I think flips wolf

Ah my bad

I am just having a chuckle you having a realization I am not going to be executed, so you pinged the non-voters.