Are you smarter then a Fourm user? (11)

Write the bridge of song most commonly used by polish lifeguards when performing CPR. One which is meant to help keep the correct tempo and number of pushes.

another one bites the dust

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Well, that’s not a bridge lyriccs, but yeah, that wouldn’t be bad example for the answer.

Which song containing a lyrics mentioning “boyfriend” have most views on YT?

It’s really not hard to make answer… more or less dificult to google.
More or less.

As long as you don’t directly ask for lyrics of something, but rather just use it as “Category” and requierments for actual knowledge. (in this case popularity of song).

Still not really “smarter”, but at least possible to make googling harder.

he pretended it was hard for a little and gave up
so now you can google in a trivia game

Btw even if you somehow managed to find a different answer that matches the question I only accept the original answer I have to the question.

Siri how do I read minds


i can’t believe its possible to make a simple trivia game even worse than you already made it

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the fourum paradox riddle
i am smarter than all forumers, yet all fourmers are smarter than me

what am i

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as smart as forumers

Then what’s the point of this trivia?

it should be your job to make sure there aren’t two answers or you should accept them or else it isn’t really trivia lol

im uh
not sure

to delay the inevitable

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You are the final fourm

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i am grateful tho i didn’t have shit prepared for btm
gave me valuable procrastination time and now everything is almost ready

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i am the boss battle: the illegal hydra


/in I guess

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