Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

It was added to the alive tags, not the votecount. Yeah. Sorry.

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thats the best advice i can give, i believe
i hope you forgive my lack of useful information thereafter, but i will do my best to solve is this is debated for however long i am here

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if litten (our star of tonight) is good, its likely an imp game
if litten is evil, i think it could be both… but i’m leaning towards cawthorne

i (personally) think its best to read litten from a social perspective and imo they have been playing socially good as well since its almost exactly the same as how they played in the last BOTF i played with them where they were good.

I dont know how to feel about the kiiruma situation and its the only thing that really confuses me and it leads me to believe someone lied somewhere, either eliza or the undertaker. Im leaning towards eliza mainly because of how Kiiruma played and how Snowe treated kiiruma’s slot but thats not because Eliza herself actually did anything to make me distrust her. The way snowe played around kiirumas slot is also weird if kiiruma is actually the baron bc idk why u would try to save a baron. Nothing is really adding up like it should (like you said) so I think someone is defintely lying somewhere and I hope litten who has all the games info (or at least I assume they do :joy_cat:) can figure out where that happened.


there comes our second debate: why did the undertaker receive false information, or is eliza evil?
The undertaker could have received wrong info due to one of the three things, most likely

  1. litten is evil, informed the poisoner
  2. its poisoner+spy
  3. the undertaker does not exist
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hi guys

i’m not book smart i’m money smart makes me more intelligent


i promise i’m done with the weird persona

for now!

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i do think undertaker/litten arent aligned, cause i think its sw+poisoner/spy+baron
but thats just gamesense and social reads at best

i’m actuallly getting
really tired now

bye again
see you all sometime


if youre so money smart give it to me


before you leave atlas what do you thinkn of the poisoner ping between ash/litten?

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leafia drunk could… explain it, i think
it also explains nebling

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other then that…
litten could literally just be the poisoner and drunk virgin

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I’m laughing so hard and may knows why

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why is it my group project partner stops responding to me on the last few days of the project



May knows we are so killing the demon today

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whatever you say