Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins


…do we know why may selected luka, over the prime sw target

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you ghosted me and then appeared right after


the jury voted you out


…do we know why kiiruma, who was supposed to have spy info, had no info on may, if there was no spy

yes, kiiruma claims to washerwoman confirm may

he told me, in specific, may was either FT or ravenkeeper. and May is now claiming ravenkeeper, so I wonder which he meant (real)

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i think may is just trying to play foil to litten to get us to kill someone else so litten doesnt look wrong until later

Literally no one does.

I have no idea what these words mean

werent you the librarian girl, of course you should know obscure literary terms

neither do I know what these mean

Well 1. I was selecting at 8AM 2. Our previous Grim world was disproven by the fact that I died: no fully Spy-informed Demon without a Poisoner would’ve killed me last night. I swapped to Luka because of that.

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you’re trying to look like you are opposing, aka, having “theater” with eachother by having conflicting thoughts

Now going to take a break so talk to everyone more later. :sleepingleafeon:

I’m the Washerwoman who saw a RK between May and Otter.
Otter claimed Monk after dying so it was May by PoE.

D1 I had been claiming RK and FT which is conveniently what May is and what May was claiming lol

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“why did may die if kii is evil, cause kii is only evil in spy worlds.”

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may is literally ghosting me so there’s no thoughts to be conflicting