Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

white rice


Id have to look at the odds of tjat happening later but rn im going to play like i have nkt hit one bc if i got a yes and then ignored it bc “ohhhh its probably just a red herring who caressss” then ill die

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@may are you going to stop ghosting me

/whisper may

Come on

Im a saint, fresh and ready to be a red herring

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ft no on the recluse and Saint n1

Ignore the fact YBW seemingly got a no on me according to atlas grim :froggwee:

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I did
Are you sctually claiming outsoder i thiught you werent


Ive been covering for luka the entire game but he public claimed so shrug

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This complicates the situation

ybw I must say your pfp is amazing

Ty ty

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This is further reason i want icet killed actually

I claimed saint in a roleswap to him when he claimed slayer, and told him to shoot me

And then i heard from other sources he decided I was double claiming luka? Like this is the most “square hole” thing ive heard

Annnnd then he shoots luka :wowee:


Wait you claimed Saint to Icet


No. /accept

Important note i did not explicitly say who i was roleswapping with because lmao

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Didn’t shoot you cus ft no

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How did i not get told of the FT until way later

I’m fine dying but the reason why I’m specifically not the demon in a poisoner world is because I told YBW to check me so in a poisoner world YBE would get a no on me

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