Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins


snowe is spy, you say?


your logic is flawed
who in any strategic mind would kill the ravenkeeper in that case

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and if i’m remembering correctly, i recall seeing “no we dont” to another message about a person

furthermore, furthermore, luka has not whispered a single person you’re pairing them with.

Yeah that’s the entire point


May try not to break whisper impossinle

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yes, and why would the spy not try to give their information to the demon?

The core of this world is that the only person who would kill the Ravenkeeper is someone who is not paying attention

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(Trolling may success)

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if your point is my logic is flawed because the imp wouldnt jump with sw, this is worse

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Luka in this world is the Scarlet Woman, who wasn’t whispered because, you know, why lead back to the SW if you don’t have to

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rose hasn’t even appeared since then

cant it just be busy

Other Minions didn’t talk to Luka, didn’t give him information, he doesn’t have Spy shit, and he just decided to stab me because I looked good in thread

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blantant misrepresentation of reality

thats blatantly a bad idea

I’m sooo good~
(Specifically referring to the fact that you trusted me & Atlas said I should die at night)

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this is a cursed way to represent the drunk you should feel bad


Yes. It is. Killing me in any world is a bad idea. Even if you have a Poisoner to prevent my role from taking action… why not kill a more powerful information role, and poison another more powerful information role, so you don’t have a fucking Undertale & FT around? FMPOV, the kill was always committed by someone doing Bullshit

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