Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

drunk leafia investigstor is always funny

fmpov, it would make far more sense for a jump, yes?
to purely put us into perspective

It helps me rember why don’t die upon nominate Virgin. If I see Investigator token I’ll go “??? why don’t die on nominatione Virgin”

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No nya because I’m good~

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you’re supposed to give the drunk status effect to the invest token

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answer the question, please.

Ah, yeah, the philosopher token

Because the Drunk status effect and Being The Drunk are different things and I forget this. I want a representation that helps me rember

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I’d have to fucking Think About It. Idon’t commonly think from points of view that are not my own. I don’t want to say yes because I think your world is bad and makes no sense. So let me think

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you have been mocking me for quite a while, swearing at me does not help my thought process

I’m not swearing at you I just used “fucking” there to like. Emphasising the amount of thinking I’d hvae to do. “fucking Thinking About It” is a different and more time-consuming process than just “thinking about it”

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/whisper may

The drunk: That guy who you swear consumed 10 pints yet seems to be going strong.

Drunk status: Litten after getting catnip. Things are gonna be weird but the status can go away as can Litten’s weirdness



if your prospective is that the evil team never once communicated with one-another, and snowe is merely the Spy simply because, i’d think its more likely one bad decision was made at night rather then a bad decision gameround

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sans the original imp/spy. which ybw is still alive.

From your POV:

  • Rose is good and lied about its pings to Litten as a reaction test
  • Snowe is good and just happened to push the Saint a bunch, and as soon as she whispered Rose, thorn also started pushing the Saint
  • All three of the Washerwoman, Investigator, and Librarian tokens are in play
  • The Washerwoman is Drunk or Poisoned, and the person in their ping just happened to be acting really Ravenkeepery (repeatedly claiming a bunch of functional/investigative roles and sticking with those claims even as they were proven false)
  • The Recluse registered as good in a FT ping with the Saint
  • I starpassed last night despite probably having a Scarlet Woman
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This vexes me

snowe, Rose, and Icet all whispered frequently, it’s why Icet is my first pencil-in for the last Minion over Ash

/whisper may