Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

Which one do you feel more inclined to believe @Litten @Ash

May or Luka?

I wanna say Luka, simply for how bold he’s being? Haven’t read enough to form anything more conclusive.

I shot luka yea

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The demon is leafia / neblig

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Can you elaborate on this?

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Okay so there’s like Luka, YBW and also Icet backing Maywolf world?

The more I read about BotC, the more I dislike how much of the game is coated in, “The Storytellers might decide to screw you over just for the heck of it.”
It’s not that I don’t trust Magnus and Jarek, but I don’t like how much ambiguity this game contains.

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On the discord based on BoTF the guidelines state that there’s a method of the madness to make the game enjoyable, though unfortunately that includes what the storyteller is going to do

Hello everyone

I assure you it was not designed for longforn
It’s much better irl tbh


Why people keep trying to run it longform with the original voting system and trying to simulate irl is beyond me


It sometimes works with the original voting system, IE: Over discord. I just don’t think that most forums UI is very suited for it.

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I disagree that the voting system works its ass to host

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I find it fun to host

Hello Iza El

i love botc becaus i see the storyteller ambiguity as a device to facilitate people’s mechanical plays being able to work out and allow them to have maximal fun off being able to do cool kickflips with the mechanics

could mag and jarek screw us over for no reason? sure, but i place an insane amount of trust in them to facilitate a fun experience that i see the ambiguity as an opportunity to create art, not a canvas that could be scribbled over with random stuff

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botf 13 just blatantly says why irl-based voting systems are garbage
windy was a fully trusted mayor in f3 and couldnt mayor win because of the voting system


I get that, but as Mayor, I’m incredibly uncomfortable with the idea that if I actually play competently, they can choose to remove my night immunity at any point, and it’s made me worried to post any of my reads in my role channel for fear that it may play into a decision to let me die.

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i cant speak for magnus and jarek but i, as a storyteller, would almost always make you night-immune at least once because otherwise its not fun for you to basically not have a role

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