Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

Endlessly endlessly endlessly I recognised errors and inconsistencies and things which in anybody else’s head would’ve allowed them to solve the game but I just fucking ignored them

Don’t let myself paint this as me being Spiritually Lazy that’s a bad habit I literally have chronic fatigue syndrome it’s just that. I just couldn’t. But that makes it more frustrating

magnus told me was it really neccesary to execute Kiiruma again and I told them it was because they could confirm themselves
It was no concidence I targeted both the ww and lib

General lack of energy

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I specifically wanted a Butler because everyone just assumes it’ll never exist.

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Stormcaught butler script

I think it worked fine here.
Actually, Silviu managed to use it in quite a few good ways. Silviu negative-mastered Litten, Silviu mastered a couple good players that evil were trying to misexecute, thereby making it less likely for them to succeed…


by the way, everyone

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there should be another botf game shortly after this one

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every world imaginable was considered in silviu garfiu bakiu chat

we just didn’t realize things were this worse


If the negative master every became an issue I could unvote and vote whenever they sleep

you all didn’t realize but the worse


What’s the botc game

you, but, didnt realize the worse


It nevertheless meant your vote could be negated without the potential upside of giving an evil player a negative vote.

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snowe’s botf

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Good post

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the solving head quarters is morally required to always have two evils in it

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