Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

Oh that’s why



Hey Silviu, wanna whisper with me and atlas?


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/whisper Silviu and Atlas

Atlas told me they want to chat with you along with me because they scare you

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/accept (waiting for Atlas to join)

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What does this mean

It means atlas is coming for your soul

Has she considering saying sorry louder

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You’re the one making yourself look evil by refusing to give your vote token to the beggar.

There’s literally no chance a villager in your situation wants to spend their vote token D2 to kill someone instead of using it to help clear themselves.

You’re dead. You have literally 0 reason not to claim.

We not only don’t know which of them is the poisoner if my info can be trusted but we also don’t know if I’m the drunk or not. Why are you so sure I’m not the drunk?


If I give my vote token to Eliza what does it actually achieve?

In the world Eliza is evil, Eliza just says I am evil. Yall are convinced that’s the case and then I’ve literally played this game just to suffer and all it does is tell me Eliza is evil, nobody will believe me at that point and I’ll basically just be a ghost who can talk and that’s it, Eliza will have wasted 2 dead votes. Alternatively Eliza can confirm me and then later on be outed as evil in which yall just accuse me again.

In the world Eliza is good, sure, Eliza says I’m good but then I’ve lost the only power I have in this game, it’ll make yall suspect the undertaker, which I don’t want to happen as I think it’s more likely the UT was poisoned instead of making up info to frame me. And it’ll tie my fate to Eliza for the entire game.

Also if Eliza says I’m good, would yall even believe it? Instead it’s more likely you’ll just push on Eliza, wasting 2 good players’ ghost votes by doing so.

It tells us that there’s a possibility that you’re good.

Blatently untrue. We aren’t just going to trust her 100% without considering all possibilities.

Also untrue. Because it’ll be useful for solving purposes either way.

No. It’s more likely that we’d consider the possibility that you’re good. Although that possibility is looking less and less likely as the day goes on.

Also, who was poisoned? Neblig or the Undertaker? Only one person can be poisoned by the poisoner you know.

You realise the poisoner poisons someone every night… yes?

You’ve played multiple BotFs Leafia, don’t act as if you don’t remember even the basic mechanics

Of course I do and the Undertaker being poisoned does make sense but at the same time, you’ve exhibited way tmi on the state of things. Plus, you’re refusing to give up your vote token and claimed that you wanted the Undertaker to clear you. Why didn’t you consider the possibility of the Undertaker being poisoned earlier?