Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

I… have considered that possibility.
I’ve considered it for a good while.

It’s why I said that I trust the UT despite their info

I’m sleepy okay? I’m not exactly a morning Leafeon. Yawns

Kiiruma can you tell me what you mean by ice telling me things

Then why were you so adamant that they would clear you?

Because earlier on I didn’t know the UT had seen me as Baron.
I happen to see a blue token so thought I’d be shown as it.

You did figure that the Undertaker was likely poisoned though and what do you mean by seeing a blue token?

You realise that the good characters are blue and then cyan/teal/turquoise
And then the evil characters are orange and then red

I’m aware of that but townsfolk can’t see any tokens.

I’ll laugh if you’re actually the spy yourself that had the poisoner poison the Undertaker in the hopes of them seeing you as a townsfolk. Laughs

Spy doesn’t need to have the posioner do that, they can register as a townsfolk themselves. but poisoner could make spy register as a different minion if it would be beneficial

I… that’s beyond unlogical.

Spy can register as good

Leafia - Remember the basic characters challenge. Impossible

I’m aware of that Kiiruma but it does explain why you’re seeing tolens, but you probably are just the baron.

Leafia if we were playing this game irl we’d physically see the tokens we pick out of the bag.
I can “see my token” by looking at my rolecard.
Which is a blue token

I can also see your token looks like a wooloo because unfortunately you’re less of a leafeon and more of a sheep

A poisoned UT isn’t necessarily going to see a townsfolk as a townsfolk Kiiruma. Thinking that you’ll be seen as a townsfolk by a poisoned UT just because you’re a townsfolk is beyond stupid. I don’t buy that reasoning at all.

Anyway cool, I guess I’ll just eliminate myself from the game in its entirety.
It’s not as if I’m doing anything but suffering atm

@Magnus @Jarek I’m giving my vote token to the Beggar.


Congrats to anyone who’s good and basically bullied me into doing this, you’ve done wonderful things for our team.

I’m not sheeping anyone Kii.

May was right that no matter who’s actually evil whatever happened this game is probably really funny

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You literally poisoned the Virgin and the UT.
It’s not even funny, it’s bonkers that Leafia can have Investigator pings and be like “I’m gonna kill outside of them because I like poisoners”