Assassination Classroom’s BOTF XXIII - Evil Wins

Then it’s likely that me or Neblig is the drunk.

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I am not sure you even though who the UT is

Because I sure as hell didn’t

It doesn’t make it likely though and you’re trying to paint it as the only possibility when there are other possibilities too.

It… does make it likely.

There’s other possibilities which are… less likely.

If I was poisoner I would have a neighbor of the demom simply because of potential empaths

Litten is readong to me as socially good though which makes it far less likely in my eyes and the way that you’re not even considering other possibilities is extremely wolfy.

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There’s 2 main things poisoners do:
Poisoning one of their neighbours
Poisoning one of their demon’s neighbours.

In this world you just did the former.
The other world is Luka’s the demon and Ash is the poisoner who did it.

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I’ve literally given my fucking vote to the beggar already, what do you want from me

I still want ash to claim to leafia

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The worst thing is Leafia, I don’t even necessarily think you’re evil.
I think you’re… you.

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Yes. After you had to be talked into doing it, which wasn’t easy.

@ElizaThePsycho What do you see Kiiruma as?

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Who wants a whisper. I want a whisper

Oh yeah. I nearly forgot about this. /Whisper Ash.

/whisper silviu

It’s almost as if a good player should be wanting to use their vote to kill an evil player.

Or wait ahem


/whisper Litten

It’s sometimes better used to prove themselves.

No, not really.
I literally could not be the baron unless I’d talked to a spy D1