Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

…but why

Why the fuck


Actually this is kind of ticking me off
Name a single godamned game that Ive played on here with multiple day actions and you could only use one per cycle
(Hint, you wont find any)

wtf is going on

I actually wanted to rb you to see if you mess with fish stuff, it’s a fake poison that’s a day roleblock

Keep it for now, it’s good will.

You just get ominous messages

Right back at you bestie.
Name one with multiple day actions that you’ve played in and you can use them all / multiple per cycle
I’ll wait.

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  1. FoL isn’t my home forum
  2. Eliza is more experienced in mafia than both of us, so cool storry
  3. Cool! Very cool story!

Even if we assume that you don’t poison, that still means that you could be using a proxy action! It means nothing! It measn you’re not the role who causes it sure, but chances are most players here wouldnt poison Frost!

This is not true.

Soooooo you used your day roleblock to push an agenda


Last stand of the virtuous
There ya go

yes most people wouldn’t follow me

Yes it is lol
Before the last 3 motnhs it seems you didnt even play town rands

the majority of my poe is voting bystander

As someone who has a day ability locked behind restrictions, I can at the very leasy say it is an X-Shot. Hell, all of my locked active abilities are X-Shots.

The fish may as well should have been puffer fish