Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

Cant answer, not enough experience
ik that she cased me off of setup spec as v/v if that means anything

This whole back and forth isn’t going anywhere you’re not even nominating eachother. What’s teh point in clogging up the thread with this if you’re just gonna drop it in the end?

Ik you’re voting them but like does this all really help convince anyone else to vote them

Uhm Im nominating Kiiruma

I’ve already explained why I’ve been pushing you and why you’re my top wolfread.
I even linked to the game of Popcorny Redux in which we were both wolves together and I was able to see you in action for myself.

But honestly I’ll just head off. My mental health has taken a significant dip recently.
I fucking despise it when anybody does the fucking stupid your mom bullshit.
My family situation is awful, I do forum things to get away with it and the childish jokes just piss me off and sometimes I just want to respond to them to teach people to think twice.


If I die then I die and get to avoid playing with Bystander who’s been rude af and Luka who’s honestly tilting me and doing the same vice versa. So it’s probably for the best that I do die instead of getting proven as town

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Isn’t bystander being rude a wolf tell

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Huh I wonder where my vote is rn.
Anyway bye

You like though, still aren’t explaining why I’m similar aside from things I’ve refuted is the main problem. I’m confused at your logic on this, especailly when you stated that I have a hell bussing meta. If you’re a villager here, why would I be pushing you as wolf with said meta, which I feel like you’re convinently ignoring.

Apologies about that. I apologize your mental health is poor as well, I get that I can come off as very abrassive at times. I just don’t get why you’re taking the angle you are if you’re village if you get my POV, and you seem to be jumping at shots to accuse me as opposed to organically casing my responses.

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For the most part yes, but I didn’t see it in the posts by her. IE: Contrasting this game to Arcane Mafia (which I believe I’ve linked prior and posted direct posts).

I’m going to drop this for thread health for the record.

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Before I head off let me just say 1 thing.
I don’t care if I’m pushed or not, trust me I’m more than used to that by now as a very typical D1 wagon in basically every game that I play. So if you suspect me, keep going at it, sure.

My issue is dealing with behaviours of certain people and I do have things which trigger me.
I used to also just keep a lot of things to myself and it’d make things worse and worse so nowadays I sometimes just… snap, so my apologies for responding as bluntly as I did to you there. I’m gonna be heading out for sure.


Not going to talk now since it can be interpreted as AI, but feel free to talk to me post game if you think that I did anything wrong. (This message is entirely disconnected from the game).

I don’t think you have anything to be sorry about, the only time I felt annoyed was when you cased me for my home forum not being FoL and me not playing games here lol. It’s reasonable to get annoyed when accused sometimes, I’m not going to be village reading this due to my new policies that I’m trying to do but I get where the POV can be coming from if you’re village.


thoughts on stuff catching up

i am more sure on bionic town because of his leafia push. i don’t like rewarding this behaviour but i do believe it is likely he is town

okay so i’m beginning to see some of the chad town!frost that i thought was missing this game

as for the poison on frostwolf - uh. if he’s not lying about it, then i suspect this comes from town, because why would a wolf poison frostwolf when he had basically zero social presence and didn’t present a threat to anyone + is ML’able. the only case where this is from a wolf is if he claimed a strong role in the hood and it’s someone from there. but i think he is either making it up or a villager did it

kiiruma’s wall is… hm. i think the read on catbae feels pretty bad faith. it kinda feels like it’s just there to exist because i don’t think catbae has actually posted anything wolfy and the questions he’s asking don’t seem irrelevant to me. does kiiruma even speak about catbae after this? apparently not. and the bys read is just based on a preflip with luka, but i have checked the vc and he’s now voting bys, so i’m gonna hve to see how that transpired but it seems odd without context.

…in fact his read on luka is also just “not like previous town games” and “w/w theatre with bys”. not a fan of the esk “underwhelming” read either

the problem i si never really agree with kiiruma’s reads so i’m trying to stop myself reading into this too much, but it’s kinda hard to do that when the reasoning feels pretty bad too

@Kiiruma had you read the entire thread when you made your wallpost? esk was underwhelming early on in terms of content but they started giving some actual reads later on

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In matter of perspective, this may have been true.

Bionic said they did it to push the death to leafia agenda. lol

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@Frostwolf103 why are you so sure Someone is mafia and why is bys w/w with him?

like… you’re voting him for this:

then you said it was for pressure:

and then you presumably have him as lock wolf?

oh wait

what does this mean

…okay so it’s clearly not a real poison otherwise he would have just used it on leafia

It’s a day roleblock yeah