Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

So thanks Jarek, thanks so much.

You’re literally trying to execute a selfresolving claim. You let those selfresolve and if they don’t, then you kill them.

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I’ve done my civil duty

thats a fucking godfather

wtf u mean

No a godfather appears to be innocent ya nerd.

ok so its a normal wolf


No because I’ll always get shown to be visiting the kill even if roleblocked.

There is no way to guarantee a roleblocker and tracker exist in the game if one but not the other exists, or any number of combination happens it doesn’t work

can someone unvote pls cuz that’s l-2

there is hammer?

Honestly can’t believe this fucking bullshit.

Yeah. I’m willing to say that would be enough to confirm you as long as we could trust the rber and tracker.

its D1

VOTE: Frostwolf

There’s literally always hammer. Unless it’s a Botf game.

Its normally just majority


or plurality