Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

Semi-confirming a player in a 13 player game is insanely good.
Especially since otherwise a few bits of character just seem like an immense downside

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What’s sus is the way you and Jarek are acting.

No its not its not even a miller its a miller+

like that is nuts

It’s not called trusting when you just decide to give someone the chance to selfresolve.

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It literally is.

Self resolving is complete BS when it needs 2 people who might be lying themselves to do it. It’s not self-resolving. It doesn’t even prove anything.

You’re mad about anti-claim but you expected 2 villagers to out their roles to prove yours, kiiruma? Come on.

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How is it self resolving

Have you re-evaluated on me after making this post?

not really

It literally is selfresolving in a way.


my understanding after asking the hosts is that they are not ruling millers as bastard so kiiruma’s role can exist

Because it proves him.

Confused on this, given you bumped me up compared to the last read list? In the last read list you had Zone and Arctic both above me, now you have me nearly next to Arctic.

A roleblocker outing themselves in hopes the tracker also does or vice versa? And what if one does but the other doesn’t?

I’ll put it bluntly, the claim is probably real, but very selfish. And I don’t appreciate being yelled at for pointing out something that stinks.

Oh the placing on the list means nothing.

(Arguably funny but his read on me was also based on a pre-flip of Bystander being wolf for the most part.)

They wouldn’t need to out themselves. If they both do their things they’d both know things.
And the person who tracked me would see that I did the kill so they could’ve then outed that and accused me.
But then the person who roleblocked me could say that and it’d just combat it.

Mechanically I’d know person #1 is telling the truth. Socially I’d be able to read into #2 and my character would be somewhat outed but at that point we’d already have a starting chain.

No. If things go the way he hopes, it proves that he’s good.