Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

And since you’re seen visiting at all times neither would know if the other even exists or did anything.

You’d just cause a 3-way argument where the roleblocker thinks the tracker is bullshit yada yada it’s just not worth it compared to claiming I don’t see how this would have gone any other way other then causing trouble

It gives me information.
And if the roleblocker ever pushes against the tracker claim I’d stop them because I’d be able to say that they’re good.

Why are you so certain kiiruma is telling the truth and sold on this so hard?

Jarek/Leafia T/T like I’ve thought btw.
This is fairly clear even if I’m annoyed at Jarek still

And if an evil role claimed that they were tracker and tracked you to the maf kill?

I should have specified it’s in no particular order. I know readlists love that particular order nonsense but I don’t. Everyones equally T to me.

Id like for them to at least live till D2 please.
Also, I don’t think they’re paired with Someone.

They’d have gotten lucky.
Because I hadn’t exactly planned on claiming that I was going to be seen at the mafia kill lmao.
I didn’t say that until Jarek forced me to out.

I check wolf chats before I ever read in thread, no matter what it’s NAI.

Not wanting a cop and wanting to be roleblocked and tracked implies a visiting miller of some kind I think a wolf with TMI would have been able to put that together fairly easily. If not to claim tracker, to claim a roleblocker. You would have no way of knowing the difference.

Nah, never theatre with Kiiruma’s reaction to it. I can see why Jarek would think it’s theatre, but confused how you ever think it’s theatre here.

I got some chips btw so might type slower

only 1 hand

You know what, if you wanna argue that me/Luka is theatre then feel free to think that, just flip Luka first.
You can flip me after if you’re not satisfied at that point.

Do not rope me into this, thanks! I have no incentive to ever lie as wolf here ^w^
Infact, just by virtue of roping me into an issue completely disconnected to me your wolf equity increases.

Nope! I can out the item name to confirm myself, this push is shoddy coming from you, you’re better than this ^w^

I can give the name of the item…
tis not that hard~~
Also, Bionic said something similar to Frost’s thing being a passive. These aren’t worlds, these are words.

Kiiruma, I’m pretty sure you and Luka are both villagers.

A passive that hands out items. Really.