Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

I did vote zone but ppl were like no

like guys leafia kiiruma zone are all like connected they look paired tho

i just dunno if they would stack on me

would a mafia team stack on someone lol


Ah yeah the role confirmation in a close setup where alignments are placed first and then the roles are made up afterwards, of course Kiiruma wants that.

Kiiruma wants both you and Zone to live, i struggle to see what’s the wolf team from towm kiiruma’s perspective. Bystander and who? Did i miss his other two scumreads?


I think by pure numbers they have to by now I think almost everyone alive who has voted has voted me at one point

(assuming 10v3)

i actually disagree with this

leafia tends to bus a lot as mafia and i doubt she would hard defend kiiruma with the huge wagon on him and the mech implications

kiiruma sent his item to zone right? could be w/w theatre but level 1 says no

yeah that’s another point, his reads are whack, other than bys and (formerly) someone, he susses catbae, eskcanta and luka and the latter is the only one that really felt reasonable to me

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Probably ppl more under the radar

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a role that gains ability by the more dead towns is like… towns dont want dead towns so why would it be incentivized in a town role lol. so troll if thats not a mafia role

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I mean I can see all 3 cuz the first 2 are flakers and luka is luka

ppl give me shit for having no opinions but those 2 actually have no opinions

In theory its a catch up role

Backup roles can be town roles. Backup roles are also “incentivized” to want other town roles dead

Upick is like that, Bystander.

Your dream roles or based on characters.

there tends to be a lot of weird roles in upick rolemadness games on this site. i suppose your stance is reasonable given your experience and the sites you’ve played mafia on, but i assure you there are a lot of wolfy town roles and towny wolf roles in these games

that said, this role isn’t necessarily wolfy, it’s not incentivizing you to kill towns - by that logic universal backup incentivizes you to kill town, it’s just a role that will be more useful later

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they described their own role as “only beneficial ifi was mafia” or sum like that iirc

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what do you think the wolf motivation for doing this is

why is kiruma a miller

causing confusion