Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

Okay but just so we’re clear if they are wrong I am killing them, I am a CONFIRMED vigilante

You got attacked?

Soo if this is a fake 1f1 for whatever reason you know maybe a good idea to let me know

Kiiruma said that

Okay this flavour is funny as fuck though

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Why would wolves ever attack you last night Arctic? You were extremely suspicious.

Yeah I trust you

I was plottinc with Luka how to dogpile you, then you killed Someone and what you is true, there is mafia kill missing

@Kiiruma when you get back tell me the name of the spell you used

I think it’s a good idea to look at Someones interactions and divine who may be or may not be evil based off of them.

Lets achnowledge also that Someone was widely suspected throughout the day and was a contention for a kill D1, so they most likely weren’t down to tie themselves to any wolf partners and I would suspect would use info they learned from their N0 passive to frame a townie. What that info they got is we don’t know for sure but lets assume what they said was at least a half-truth.

Leafia I was hard pushing Someone


there is not a town aligment cop + role cop who can multitask actions

switch your brain on

Wait you can multitask?

How, haste, clone?

There exists a world where Someones flip was fucked with and I cross-killed with the mafia but I think that’s bastard

I doubt that’s the case I doubt you’d go for Someone over anyone else in this game least of all the dude saying “I’m an IC” over and over

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So? Your point?

I think if there’s a protective that went on anyone it would be prudent to know who you went on. I know that you’d want to hide, but if you exist, I think it helps to know, otherwise I can only assume the maf kill was roleblocked and that @tutuu carried it.

That leaves whatever happened between arctic and luka to resolve - in which case I step in and shoot one of them

Good idea Jarek.

I can hard confirm.
It is an Evocation Spell.
I used a Throne of Lies ability.

So Bionic’s on the level