Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

Are you cat’s friend?

If a protective doesn’t come out I’m just gonna vote Tutuu for the time being. I think it’s a safer bet than whatever this alignment cop stuff is - I’m mostly paranoid about framers and nonsense like that.

every day im given an open-ended puzzle by the host. its like a big blob of text. i answer it in freeform, i.e i write it in a message. the hosts then rate the accuracy of my answer from 1-10. depending on how well i did the more powerful my ability is for the night. i am alerted of my performance before i pick my target

i visit a player of my choice during the night and then depending on my result:

1: they will receive an ominous flavor message from the hosts that incriminates me. i am also forced to visit somebody
2-4: i protect my target from other necromancy spells targeting them that night
5-7: i protect my target from other transmutation spells targetting them that night
8-9: i protect my target from other evocation spells targeting them that night
10: i protect my target from all spell schools at second highest priority resolution (meaning only strongman can overwrite this)

the spell school of my ability at resolution morphs depending on the result of my puzzle performance

i havent played baldurs gate but im guessing the difficulty of each of those roughly represents how strong those spell schools are for this game at least

i scored a 5 yesterday and visited arctic

what do you mean so?

why am i suspicious

i spent the entire second half of the day campaigning to vote out someone while a bunch of people were trying to kill top posting obv town bys

Will update this at some point

Hmmm, good point. Framer can possibly exist. VOTE: Tutuu

You know I could have voted someone but vigging them feels more satisfying for me. :slight_smile:

That is to say

I get all the credit and I don’t have to hero shoot

you also cannot multitask actions unless otherwise specified

and to that i ask you, how likely do you think it is a town alignemnt cop + role cop who can multitask exists

also tutuu looks like shit rn so but my claim means they’re not necessarily outted, and in fact i think kiiruma may have been TMI’ing what happened here

i’m bulletproof

Bystander was nowhere near obvious town and you also blatently lied about how I act about roles when I’m a wolf.

What do they do?


so like, i am clear either way

either tutuu was roleblocked on me, or i was just attacked and my bpv stopped the kill

we should be killing luka here first

ive no clue

Basically magic schools guide, this should help to understand

VOTE: Luka

Sure…So by BPV you mean I can’t kill you right

i mean i could lie and say im infinite shot but a town infinite bulletproof obvioslu doesnt exist so

What even is a death JOAT anyway

its thunderstorm btw