Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

VOTE: Bionic

I’d start here personally!

They have the least interactions with the wolves out of everyone (at a cursory glance at least) and their super-tunnel on Leafia (who I think is town) looks more like they’re just trying to do something to look busy perhaps at the prompting of their wolf partners rather than anything genuine.

Couple that with the fact they have this weird poison thing they did except not really (and only came clean about these details after luka was implicated through them) I just don’t think I trust it.

The runner up candidate is Frostwolf. Because the way luka reacted with the item they recieved was also fairly suspicious and could entirely have been because of the confusion revolving around bionics ability that they stumbled there and had to be corrected in wolfchat

The operative word is probably

Certified Vanilla town moment

That too also bothers me since I wasn’t very secretive about what I was. I am interested in knowing who Mizora is, and what abilities they have. Considering they’re in a hood chat with a wolf and given the authority to insta-execute said wolf if they get voted.

Honestly, thinking about it, Mizora is likely to be a neutral if nothing else - but there exists the possibility this is a townie too. I’d hazard a guess and say it’s not a wolf based on the passive alone.

Both Bionic and Frost are highly unlikely to be wolves Jarek. Frost is the reason why both Someone and Luka are dead and Bionic just has a history of acting like this as town.


It’s only due to Frost that Someone even had suspicion on him to begin with.

History doesn’t mean anything to me, people can change their metas. It becomes a lot easier to do when someone points out what your meta is to you

I’d call it a team effort

That doesn’t mean it’s easy to do so.

Nothing at D1. Esk on D2. Gibberish on D3.
Is it something like bystander then…?
(Speculation is probably useless to be honest.)
Yeah, but it is still part of the game, is it not?
(Meh… Then, why do you think […]?)
Either because my existence is a pivot, or because of the items I possess.
(If it’s the latter…)

That’d be fucked up if true.

If your town meta is death tunneling someone I’d say it’s fairly easy to just do that. You don’t know what the guidance info from Someone was either. For all we know, it’s that a 3P exists in this game and Bionic thought they had a lead on that.

I disageee. I ISO’d Luka at N3, and tutuu has less interactions with tutuu than Bionic.


Replace the first tutuu with Luka.

Maybe I just find it hard to believe there’s a hood like that that can chat in the day time that’s just pure for no reason with no strings attached

(Wait a minute. Zone, if we are chosen now, then yesterday’s chosen one…)
–so anyhow I have chosen to re-establish my deathtunnel on tutuu today. NOTHING WILL STOP ME! :fire::fire:

Set-up oracle being a wolf claim 2 games in a row :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire: :fire:

Sometimes things just line up like that.

That’s fair, but I am unbiased unlike you because I myself have hosted a game where such unlikeliness was reality.