Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

no it was 0-shot

I see no harm in letting them live for like maybe a day or two and then we kill them for F3 I mean what’s the worst that could happen :^)

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You’re being bailed out mostly by the wyll passive I’ll have you know. W/W having the ability to insta-kill eachother is not something I believe

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its not w/w yeah coz it would be outing. it requires wyll to vote for mizora. if we are w/w i dont see how we’d get credit for it. i didnt know for sure luka was mafia. i thought she was, thats why i used kiiruma’s vote on her yesterday. she never voted me

The thing is, (1) Adrenalin Junkie is not BPV because I will still die eventually, and (2) Adrenalin Junkie has similar aspects as BPV in the sense that I don’t get informed whether I was attacked or not.

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Why not? It would help one of them look good.

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oh so your death is delayed? alright

i probably wasnt attacked unless i got rolecopped but even then why would i

We could potentially lose. No way is a role like that not agaist the town. Even if it is a neut.


anyway im not too invested and i had fun regardless. i doubt i have time to make 2 successful deals i wanted to be flashy and sneaky so RIP me. i dont blame u guys for chopping me. i would chop a 3p claim too. hate those stinky fuckers

VOTE: Tutuu

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i have one final thing to say

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i challenge all of you to a dance-off

we record videos of ourselves dancing and post them here. @Frostwolf103 decides the winner. if i dance better u let me live. if u dance worse u chop me

all u guys have been doing all game is yelling lying manipulation deceit. no more. we fight like honest people. dance off.

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Assuming tutuu’s legit, then we are currently at 6v1v1 with 1 LW. Mafia kill did not happen at N2. We thought this was because Arctic is BPV, but we now also know that Luka is Strongman, so there is now a non-zero possibility LW was recruited at N2.

Luka died D3. There was no kill at N3. Does LW not have KP? Sounds like BS to me. Hosts are Eliza and Daeron; minority is Mafia. Host is not Zorvo; minority is not Alien.

If we ML D4, then WCS is N4 kill resulting in SOD5 4v1v1. 3P leaving mid-day means D5 4v1.

…okay, we can actually afford letting tutuu live if they are legit. But I still want them dead.

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if u let me live i will trade u my right to communicate tomorrow or something funny like that. like maybe i can make a deal where u get to decide if i can speak or not. isnt that a dream come true


what happens if they do

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That’s what Adrenalin Junkie means, yes.
(…wait. This means my calc “could be” off by 1 death. …well. This would still give a D5 3v1 though. However, this relies on the belief that you are legit 3P AND that you leave upon victory.)

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very unfortunate things

do they die

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