Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

it sok


what does this mean

the whole thread is stunk up

yeah arctic town

When have I said I have seen meta reads and how is this related to this story at all?

If people know each other, then I acknowledge metareads is a thing. The issue is: I recall neither catbae being a FoL’er, nor Esk. My first instinct was that they came from different sites, because I clearly remember catbae from MU, but not Esk, who’s playing like a genuine newbie. (I guess she doesn’t play as often as we do, despite having played for years?)

no what does tw mean

Um, who? I’d guess Frost, it’s the closest player name and I bet that’s not it.

toxic waste

but if you recall neither being an FoLer
And thnik both are offform
why cant you asisume they have meta experience

what does that mean

I don’t understand the question. Could you please rephrase that?

tiger woods

What does brad have to do with this
also what does that mean

someone (the player) is unreadable and he will be our day 1 mischop just for the record

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Hmm so far - and you guys can smoke me if you don’t agree


Eskcanta (vibe)
Arctic (towny posts)
Zone (Towny ish)
Bionic ( I will defer what others have said )

Could go either way
Thunderstorm (I think the push could potentially be a wolf push but otherwise :-1: )
Leafia (No real reason)
Someone (Literally no read at all)

Crucify me for this one but I think Catbae could potentially be an evil for now. Don’t really feel townie…Not that I’m going to vote them for it, yet.

Everyone else hasn’t posted yet.

Oh wait no tutuu has

slap them in I don’t know (or care yet)

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taiwanese women :+1:

omg ihysm

Oh. Yeah, that sounds about right. I love lying about my role whenever I’m mafia. Especially in closed rolemadness, since nobody can prove anything about my role. (Unless they are Role Cop, but Town Role Cops is never a thing.)

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