Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

What does that mean? I’m pretty sure you don’t think 8 of us are antitown?

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this is my first game with her. in the dont starve game all i accomplished wrt her was identifying that she isnt a local

Naw I was distracted by other game

Ill TR you if you TR me dealsies?
I know I denied this earlier but idc

*remembers bad experiences from MU*
No. I don’t believe MU’ers would have newbies play off their site.

and the fucking website dying for 10 minutes

The fun part of being convinced that I’m IC is that I can say suspect shit and get away with it

it doesnt change what i said tho :stuck_out_tongue:

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that is tru

They can

but 4 is nuts and im jealous

But I’d be lying to you :pleading_face:

I want more stuff

i posted a readlist in which 5 players i colored green. which left 8 slots to be available to be wolves, in response to jarek’s observation that i’ve made no scumreads

I know u town lock me but u dont have to admit it :blush:

@tutuu you




he just calls me dumbass girl
why do i feel like i got the short end of the stick


Hey, it’s okay.

We just need to figure out if the slot, and what they are saying, is useful for each of our own personal wincons.

Greed or jealousy or even surprise… may not help. What helps is the wincon.

Are you playing to yours? I haven’t caught up yet, but someone mentioned when you pop in, and rarely… I don’t think I’ve read your posts in my reading forwards yet.

If I can’t read your wincon, you’re going to be pretty darn high on my votes once I feel like I know what’s going on and am ready to vote.

There could be scummier folk than you. But if you’re town I need you, and I need to know enough about your intentions and thoughts that I don’t elim you by mistake. Because I absolutely will try if you’re very high on my anti-town reads, and you could be if you’re the only one I can’t read.

No idea, haven’t got that far yet. But… do what helps you and your wincon the most, please!

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Bro its D1 what do you mean