Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins


I mean look… I see a toy I can use, I use it.
I got this shiny card and I can think of ways to use it which are cool and fun for me!

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r u guys sure zone is town

Meanwhile, Leafia:

If I was sure I’d have TMI

I felt that game was iconic

two use is not 2 different abilities

Ive been calling him a wolf all game

Kiiruma is evil lets kill them

He’s 5 posted thats pretty twony to me

Har har har. :expressionless:
One of my abilities literally only benefit mafia, so I’m literally negative utility if the mafia has a redirector, role thief, role copier, or anything akin to those roles.

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It amuses me to start drama in thread for no reason and this seems like the prime candidate

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I mean
Look at any of his wolf games lmao

I am incapable of backreading

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Ooh… Man, I can’t read.
Okay, yeah. Fair enough. I have more than Leafia.

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he 5 posts as v
and doesnt 5 post as w
his posts have content as w
his posts dont have content as v

But there is content - a claim

I will post impressions. This is still very early game for me. I haven’t read everything, I don’t have a track on any of you. I also am bad with names, and need to carefully track who says what to properly identify who I am trying to name. I’m super careful with votes, but I have to double check who said what.

I have no impression of Arctic yet (that will change)
I dislike someone’s playstyle, but will do my darnest to find a way to read it. They’re in my ‘offer them assistance to see if they are interested in more clearly playing to a wincon I can read’ range, but I am eager to read more and improve myself as well as watch them act and react.
Zone_Q11 needs something, I’ll figure out more about alignment later. But they need something pretty badly, and they’re willing to risk prepping town for ‘I’m bad news, but I’m town’. Note that doesn’t mean I read their alignment yet, but I read their need.
Leafia seems fascinating, I will learn a lot from being able to read how people interpret and interact about what she’s said. As for her myself… solid NAI. She’s trapped and can’t hide what she’s revealed, I think. So that’s usually NAI. Very, very interested to continue to read that slot.
Bystander I think is making huge stances, and likes to play with some hostility, which isn’t my preference, but no problem, I can read and work with it. I don’t have a read yet, but I am sure once I have read more of the thread, I’ll have a lot to form an opinion of.
catbae I haven’t read enough to read. I’m paying attention to, but mostly caught the issue with meta/not meta. I’ll probably go back and see which games I was with that one in. By my 3rd game there, I was already a strong player’s ‘favorite read’, and we’ve played with that idea since, I’ve got I think 4-5 people there acting or stating I’m their favorite read (despite their having interact with me at best less than 15 games, all within the same week) and I love playing those games and playing like that, even more than I love piloting a role, which I also love. I resisted Leafia’s accusation of ‘like all town being in her neighborhood’ (I’m not!) and I also resist catbae’s read of me having to be TMI - there’s other explanations. Kill scum for real reasons, not fake, and don’t kill town for any reason, so I have no reason not to defend where I have facts that are counter the claims or accusations).
Bionic I currently read as a Leafia lyncher, which is jokey but also what’s going on, though that’s surely not the wincon. Needs a real chance to read, I don’t even know if there’s evidence for Bion wanting leaf dead (by the time I get there, I may want Leaf dead too)
Thunder I can’t read on MU in turbo games, for sure. No other comment yet, I’ll do my best as I can.

I agree, that’s not very alignment focused - but as town I have no reason to lie about that, and without opinions formed, I don’t have leans. I do have intention and ability to read up more and form alignment opinions though.