Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

well leafia has a habit of habitually claiming her role as mafia and acting like it’ll confirm her as well as TMI’ing a bunch of stuff about the wolf mech so i’m not townreading her for this

(Why did you reply to me? Did you mean to talk to me?)

i forgot where but it was a rolemadness and a traecker said they were “very very self confirmable/resolving” smth like that

This is more in line with w!them. It’s more regular that they insult players instead of using logic for their defense, as opposed to their town meta. Them providing early reads I do enjoy, but their reaction to me calling them out for TMI, despite being befuddled by them not knowing whomst I am is more in line with their w!meta.

ok i wil sheep u then t


If you don’t provide the game it’s both minute, in addition to that I admit that a town can feasibly do that. I just find that type of thing to come from a wolf more often.

I never said it was specifically self resolving in the good/evil sense.

Thunderstorm gets a slight townlean from me tooas I like their train of thought.

thats more of a how i want to play a game at a certain moment mood thing bc honestly thats not my wolf meta bc im better than that its more if i decide if i want to XD

we should really get rid of arctic [vote]t fr


Yeah, uh. I can’t do anything with it anyway.
For what it’s worth, I’m a glorified vanilla at the moment.
Heck. Even after I unlock my abilities, I’m basically no better than a Fruit Vendor.

i like u a lot

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I don’t do that as a wolf. I’m muxh less likely to claim early on when I’m evil.

anyone else want to claim their role for no reason

(this is sarcasm please don’t)

I’m very aware, but you seemed to imply such a thing by saying you’re “self resolving”, as opposed to your ability is confirmable. Do you know if you’re the type of player to give the person pushing you a town lean as wolf?

Ummm, no I don’t. It’s the complete opposite.

where did i insult u tbh

Hmmm, I personally don’t think it’s AI for meand no one is pushing me.