Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

You’re not helping Bionic

lol bye VOTE: leafia t

let’s just exe leafia d1, ive gave my reasoning and can give again if anyone wants

VOTE: te

Bionic, why would I poison Frostwolf? I had less than no reason to do so.

VOTE: leafia[vote]t[vote]lefialefaia[/vote][/vote]

@bystander Just vote Someone if I die

you might not, but a wolf teammate could

okay well leafia its likely someone in the hood bc like
why else would it be only stated in hood

and bionic is twny

Who said anything it happened in the hood

Bionic isn’t townie and it wasn’t stated in the hood.


If anyone can cure me, now that would be good time!

okay i misunderstood

VOTE: ynv

In fact, it could very well be Bionic to make me look bad and he doesn’t want me confirming my day ability.

Beacuse pushing people for flavor reasons is suuuuper townie

Will you please vote correctly from now on? Sheesh!

lefia u just make no sense okay

like you challenge my townread on bionic even though u apparently agree
and now ur like haha poisn its bionic whoa

It’s NAI and why would a wolf ever do that? It serves no purpose at all and just makes me look suspicious. Even villagers can do things that look wolfy you know.