Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

okay so why are you acting like you didn’t just see her do the exact same thing as town in the anon mountainous game

They know too much and i know too little about them, why not just play normally

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The neighborhood consists of me, Bionic, and Frostwolf for anyone curious.

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I think one of those is an absolutist

wait what i was agresize in traitors ya not

we’re in a speak with animals chat thingy


That’s no reason to hate on alts. That’s borderline bullying.

There’s a maf role that inserts itself into a hood or some shit like that, or a hood that isn’t all good players


Pushing is not bullying cmon

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wait you guys are animals?

bro no way did you pick like a seagull or some shit

It’s a passive, there’s probably one evil so i treat it as a minor noble ping

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*makes notes for potential “Gobbledigook” abilities*
Please, tell me more about it. :notebook_with_decorative_cover::writing_hand:

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my guy there are 160 posts just read them

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someone, it’s me, bionic

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Im lazy tho