Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

Yeah, because unless this game is bastard and I didn’t get any invites to mafia chat, then I’m just town.

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but what is the worth of a single town player, anyway?

Zone can have a slight townlean from me too.


Ah, so I’m not the only player with versatility.
Good to know.

an alt

omg alts suck

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so arctic can you decide whether i play like a normal person or no

i don’t think you meant to edit this post but just in case you did, please don’t do that lol

you aren’t supposed to edit posts except for grammar and stuff

So basically my ability is I press a button and I become an innocent child


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VOTE: Thunderstorm

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VOTE: thunderstormtVOTE: t

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My mistake, that was unintentional.

get the alt outta here!!!

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oh dear read my recent towngames i was a pos

Why do you hate alts so much?

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Its like being a traveler in BotC

For that to happen, town would have to have the potential to have strong powers to begin with.