Bean's Headcanon Heights

Everything im fond of I like now. They’re all bangers in my eyes

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do NOT look at my like ratios

You have infinite likes :P

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I am just a yellow pee box to you may


infinite power…

Oh I misunderstood


I am become eliza, liker of posts


Can I like… every single post from this thread?


:warning: Villain arc incoming :warning:

Come on, there were five yellow pee boxes there

My first post on this account got the same number of likes as my old accounts most liked post

i think im 5’10 or 5’9 however much 175 cm is but close enough

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We are centimeter pals :o

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Tbf i prefer cm but i felt more ppl would understand inches

i dont know if ill ever reach those peaks again. My most liked post was a banger

european gaming

should be 6’2" then

Considering Sandy is from mexico city. I doubt she heard of anything other than ft.

im posting it i really like this post

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