Bean's Headcanon Heights

No I fucking don’t

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I don’t think you can screw a word

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I love the idea of being tall but whenever I interact with people shorter than me I feel very weird

Unless your language is latin (genders)

Good night yall all new requests may wait ubtil the morning

listen there are no boomers here

can we go back to metric


Probably in no small part because I’m short and therefore not used to it

Hello dwarf male

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Hello ho

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you definitely havent said fuck 168 times
btw we both just passed 10k messages

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Hmmm I think this dress I’m wearing is actually better with these sandals than the other ones. I just put on these to check my height with them

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am i eligible?

Truly you all lead me to epiphanies

That’s a swear word

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Then you’ve called me it!!! Silviu was swearing. The absolute HO

Only when you say it

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So true

Lies and sandals

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how sandalous


Says Sandy

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