Behind the Masks: Ides of Insanity (LITTEN-THE DOG WINS!)


/dance with the Turkey @ElizaThePsycho


guess immunity ruins p much everything about the coup-style of the game
i can’t go there without removing guess immunity

my reasoning is that Barbarian and Royal cannot disguise themselves, and are therefore much weaker in this new rendition

yeah CJ change is experimental

i am only saying coup because its the closest thing i can think of.

when i say coup, i mean
“hidden role game based around finding out other player’s roles”

actually even beyond trying to make it a coup-style game (remember: im just saying coup cuz its the closet thing i can think of)

guess immunity is kind of horrible
the optimal play is almost always to take it, and it throws a core mechanic of the game out the window

Not rlly tho

Like getting guess immuninty is a waste early on

Optimal play is to get everything every round but thats not possible

looks at the like eight people who got it round one

3 out of 8 ppl who died are dead to guesses

Thats a v relevant %

and i think that is because of guess immunity

almost all of us would be dead if it hadn’t been for guess immunity
i suppose that’s not necessarily a bad thing but

Thats just cuz loads of.ppl shared their role this game for like no reason


To the death!

yeah and that’s what im trying to prevent
from what i gather this happens every game

/challenge Litten to a duel @litten


To the death!

Pending Challenges

  • the Turkey (Eliza) challenges the Dog (Litten) to a duel

Accepted Duels

  • N/A

Accepted Dances

  • the Robin (Hippo) will dance with the Fox (Whysper)
  • the Fox (Whysper) will dance with the Turkey (Eliza)

Denied Challenges

  • N/A

Yet To Challenge

  • the Dog (Litten)
  • the Axolotl (Nerbins)
  • the Squid (Drinks)
  • the Ladybug (Marluna)
  • the Praying Mantis (WWA)

Guessing roles isn’t the core point of this game.
It is the aspect a game, but the core mechanic is survival of fittest.

Also role claiming is a weird meta.
If you want to prevent it, the easiest (and only) way is preventing communication between players.
As long there is secret communication, no matter which countermeasures you put in mechanics, they always will be players, who are claiming roles, you cannot stop this.

I totally see your point, but from a hosting point of view I don’t like gifts which can be brought only limited times during a game… (also I don’t like gift reserve either, but that’s for an other reason.)

that’s the win conditino

survival of the fittest is the win condiiton, not the core point
and yeah, guessing isn’t the core point

it is a core point