Why is the hummingbird so sassy
I didnt come here to be abused
“Oh, lying to yourself will do you no good here, little Robin.”
Wow, wuss
yes you did
I cri
I hope ppl were acc planning to guess me lol
i came here to be abused
yeeto burrito mcvito
Im on holiday and bored rn sorry for spam
yooo same
Well at least if you guessed Robin you could re-guess I’m sure
hippo has been guessed as the royal
hippo has been guessed as the barbarian
hippo has been guessed as the blackmailer
hippo has been guessed as the Gardner
hippo has been guessed as the MewTwo
The Hummingbird coughs slightly and shoots a pointed look at the Dog.
i’m a fucking dog what did you expect when you invited me, that i can spell?
What were u gonnaguess me as
Why didnt u sign up as a kitten
i wanted to sign up as joydog
but it wouldn’t let me
so they said i could sign up as a joyful dog
and then i got ripped off and now im just dog