Behind the Masks: Ides of Insanity (LITTEN-THE DOG WINS!)

incoming “tarnation”

Did u make this

note down challenge results, talk to people, get actions in

this sounds good
then maybe move to challenge phase being 13 minutes, then 11 minutes, then 9 minutes, then 7 minutes? AP 5-5-4-4-3, voting phase 7-7-6-6-5, DP 7-7-7-6-6?

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also AP only needs to last like
two minutes
one minute for each role
and you just extend it to :sparkles: keep the illuison :sparkles:
voting phase 1 only needs to last 2 minutes, others like 5 (depending on the setting)
and dinner phase only needs to last a max of like three minutes
not enough roles act during dinner phase for it to be worth a lot of time

if its like
on MU
then yeah 15 would be reasonable
otherwise nah

i remember werewolf matches IRL not taking very long to vote

you need to consider
how often do you get into a game of throne of lies or town of salem and people no-action
not everyone is devoting every single second


How long did it take its rlly good

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each one took between 50-90 mins

tol specifically people dont no action that often
but that’s because of the 60 second nights, which is often more than enough time to just
select a target and write it down

I never understood why Thief had so many secret switches anyway… He is just a buffer to keep at least one killing role, for a longer time.

You can fool poisoner with only 1 or 2 switch, and Peasant will know anyway, if the poison hit a Soldier/Nymph nő matter how many plates you switched…


but also how often are they GOOD targets

the average intellgience of a tol player is low

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i don’t think that has much to do with phase lengths

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Also I don’t remember if Thief was ever hardcapped to 5 switches for a full game, or not, but they were probably buffed from that state in their corrent ancient form.

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How long till end of phase

I hope italy was posioned lol

Its possible