Behind the Masks: Ides of Insanity (LITTEN-THE DOG WINS!)

is this omgus smh

No, this is preserving the sanctity of BtM

They will never fix the issue if it is never abused
Therefore it is in our duty as players to get potentially thousands of gifts that way no one else i the future shall

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But if anyone else takes even one LT you end up with 0 gifts…
So It’s a high risk, high gain scenario.

Also with the corrent state of BtM you can get only 1 premium food, 1 guess immunity, 3 gift reserve and 1 free guess, the rest go to in switches and denies… (and you can beat Kiruma’s 12 deny record.)

It’s already fixed.
The host just can say your gift doubles only once… No matter how many LT you takes…

(Altough the nicer hosts would confirm it with you before the gifts are fixed, I still advice you against taking multiple LTs.)


/vote the Ladybug

I know they cannot be the Mystic as well.

Can the Royal vote themself (with their secret vote), if they lost a challenge?

i…don’t see why not

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This is the first voting phase where stuffs meant to happen

Wheres the spice

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Yeah, as Trochi said, you could.
But a better tactic could be to act like Royal is dead (By not using the extra vote) instead of trying to frame someone else as the Royal

Especially when the Royal pool gets limited pretty quickly

Goood spice starts to happen around final 5…

The rest is only good hors d’oeuvre.

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I feel like we should try to pool our efforts together and give someone like 10,000 gifts

/vote The Snowy Owl @Host_Account_3

They’re dangerous to us squirrels.

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/vote Snowy Owl @Host_Account_3

any ties will be settled via a randomizer


Cat randomizer?

Voted Voters Count
Snowy Owl (Jane) Squirrel (Leafia), Fox (Whysper) 2/12
Swan (Kiiruma) Red Panda (YBW) 1/12
Fox (Whysper) Jane (Snowy Owl), Robin (Hippo), Turkey (Eliza) 3/12
Red Panda (YBW) Swan (Kiiruma) 1/12
Ladybug (Marluna) Ladybug (Marluna) 1/12
Not Voting Dog (Litten), Ocelot (Bellatrix), Axolotl (Nerbins), Squid (Drinks), Praying Mantis (WWA) 5

unfortunately no

what a sad reality we live in

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