Binary Stars Hydra JoaT10 - Town wins!

And I really don’t think I ever truly stopped shitposting anyways even tho I was trying to improve

sunset because i never get to see it


Im going back to bed so I can suffer in these tests tomorrow I’ll be back tomorrow night when I’m done


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If marls tunnel is real I’m not even gonna bother trying to change his mind it’s not worth the effort from what I remember


even still your posts are just super individually wolfy
the “hammering earl is almost always bad for town!” is the exact kind of not-helpful hogwash scum try to use to look like they care about the town

I would honestly prefer it if you still make an effort to read us, though. For one, being able to analyze your thought process would make it easier for me to read your slot. Two, wolves tend to handle our individual slots carelessly and either chuck us off to “town, done” or “townlean but I’m paranoid about her” (I’ve done both to Cream myself several times before lol). And three, both of us have deepwolfed/pocketed town at least once before so…just saying.

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i love how the sunset looks but for me its sunrise
its so much quieter
also birds are significantly cooler in the early hours. they chirp more and do silly things

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hey can i ask you a question

Yeah, sure.

you honestly dont need to worry about me because i’m already dead once derps flips

and yes i’m aware, i saw cream deepwolf like 2 games ago
i will revisit you later if i do not find a suitable partner for derps by eod
your posts have way too many words for me to stomach before i’ve had caffeine and breakfast

or was this one game ago
the game where they were on achro’s team and they bussed zorvo d1
cream will know what game i’m talking about
i wasn’t in it, but i watched it for a bit


Shoot Boston honestly.

Yeah…Neon/Marl hydra probably town. :sleepingleafeon:

What does it mean… what does it mean!!!

One of these is a wolf

Skill issue skill issue

wait i think i just discarded neon’s reply
discourse is cursed

we really can’t talk at the same time huh

My vote are always serious and you should trust them

Probably not. I can leave for a while though lol