Binary Stars Hydra JoaT10 - Town wins!

My vote are always serious and you should trust them

Probably not. I can leave for a while though lol

naw youā€™re good iā€™m cooking breakfast anyway

Kk :heart:

i will say that my only thing i noticed reading mayteam is that i didnā€™t laugh or smile even once which is extremely not the normal for me isoing may

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which is why i immediately asked for their last scum game to compare
but hard to find posts in the jaiden spam of olivest

Thereā€™s a character in a gacha I play who has this exact power

I know weā€™ve not discussed our reads privately butā€¦i agree with this lol

You can have the vote power for this hydra. I trust you more than me.

I know which one Iā€™d pick

Pwetty accurate uwu

Beep boop

iā€™m fine with your vote sticking for now
i wanna see what achro thinks of my derps read whenever he wakes up before i move to vote out derps (if i end up doing so)

okay so youre coming home from a long day at work. you had to stay late because your biannual productivity report is in two weeks and youre far behind everyone else at your branch. given that youre already in crippling debt and that youre already on thin ice at work you cant afford a bad report. so you get in your car, driving home at 11pm on 4 hours sleep when suddenly a police car is telling you to pull over, but in your sleep deprived state this morning you left your wallet at home. youre tired. youre scared. you dont think you just go as fast as you can. youve commited now, theres no going back. you never knew your old honda civic could go that fast. you finally feel what its like to be free again. free from responsibility, expectations, everything. youre in charge of what happens now. but youre running out of time. far in front of you, you see AerieRaffles crossing the road. youre going too fast, you cant break in time. the only other option is to swerve to the left where LeafiaButWorse is. Who do you choose to hit and why?

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i love writing

Based on this scenario, neither. No way am I gonna hit someone due to my poor life choices; Iā€™ll just swerve right and hope death is painless lol

But if I had to pick one (for game-related reasons), then Leafia. Iā€™m townleaning Aerie and altho Leafia gave some reads and opinionsā€¦I havenā€™t seen anything particularly town-indicative from their slot so far.

yeah if you swerve right you hit a truck of fireworks, nitroglycerin and those old shrek mugs that got recalled for having too much lead in them


:rofl: Would still swerve right

Any particular reason why itā€™s Aerie and Leafia, btw?

you would rather create a massive explosion with potential to kill both the people i just mentioned than kill one of them for sure

i picked at random from people whove existed but not been talked about.

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i have an exam today so i will let debil carry me today