Binary Stars Hydra JoaT10 - Town wins!

I don’t think that post explicitly unaligns aeries and terrance in anyway

unless you mean how they defended eachother? in which case i see that as a seperate thing
either way I still do not think it is out of the realm of possibility

terrance is literally openwolfing in that post

in that post he is explicitly humoring the world of him and raffles as a team

yeah i did the exact same thing as wolf with my partner in the exact same scenario of this game (basically)

I don’t see the difference between what I did here and what terrance did then
I’m not saying that it aligns them or anything, I am saying that it doesnt make them unaligned.

if it is like a meta thing with how derps plays? then like thats valid bc idk derps very well and im going to immediatley assume you have more FM experience when it comes to anything with any player besides myself bc u are the elder FM player

i will probably only consider that angle in lylo and not a second sooner
still think the winning move is lol/garf/you in any order

derps wasn’t playing the game
there’s no reason for him to risk his only partner

the difference between you in that game and derps in this game is that you, i’m assuming, were actually playing the game

i feel like at that point in time he was though?


nope that post was post-him-getting-caught-by-me and long after he stopped trying

ok thats more fair
i still think he had planned to play the game with how he was asking you for a bulleted list but I understand your perspective more now

also u didnt end up on him at eod so ratio

still was the one who caught him and directed achro’s hand to killing him so reverse ratio

meanwhile all you got off him was a shitty possibly w/w interaction


either way i’m pretty sure orochi is right and it’s lol/dota now
they are very convincing

and if it’s not, it’s garfooled
game over

thats true, but what are they gonna see? are they gonna see thread? are they gonna see reads from players? no, they’re gonna see two things. the VCs and the flips. and i’m not a JOAT so I cant involve myself with the flips, but the VCs? thats where I got you beat.