Binary Stars Hydra JoaT10 - Town wins!

i dont think bread hydra should die. there is no bias here

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Poke bear and run is my favourite style of analysis because itā€™s extremely easy and I will employ it all I want

My roommate was talking about how they should make a lego gta game and i told him thats just roleblox and now he wonā€™t talk to me

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I would think you would be better at it if it was your favorite, is what I am saying.

Feels like you are scum who imagined the thought of poking this bear was going to go differently than it has, probably because I mostly take people poking me as a town sign.

The only demand I made of Suit Guy re:participation in this game is that he fights you if necessary so I donā€™t have to

what if i specifically poke you :3

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Decided to look into Zone specifically to see if my scumread holds up on the other side of the group

ā€œIā€™d say BostonFlours is paired with Orochimeowru because I have a grudge against them even though the latter is being fairly townie and not really defending the formerā€

And then proceeds to call their own reasoning dumb because it is
Banger post Zone ty
This feels like Zone wants to agree with his partner for no reason other than ā€œwe are one slotā€ which doesnā€™t exactly look townie to me

I doubt itā€™s a joke

I suppose I agree with this but itā€™s kind of easy to say when youā€™re the one on the block, yeah? Failing is against your win condition.

I donā€™t see anything that screams either alignment one way or the other (though that first post definitely doesnā€™t look great) but I still donā€™t trust Achro. Their gameplay has been radically different from other games Iā€™ve played with them and I donā€™t trust it. Also, their opening read on terranceleehew was not townie even if I donā€™t think terranceleehew is exactly someone worth keeping around

VOTE: Monochromatic


HEY this is a very serious mafia game weā€™re not poking me and weā€™re not talking about grey coveralls weā€™re not weā€™re not Iā€™m soooo serious and focused teehee

i still think zone is pretending to be achro

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i think youre scum. suit guy is nowhere to be seen. what do you do

You do realize your hydra has played 4 games with me, 3 of which I have been scum, correct?

I ask because you say I am different but um.


Distract you until he shows up

oh hi eliza. youre in charge of reading Bostonflours on account of me being bad at video games have fun

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you? distract me? id like to see you try

Iā€™m not continuing this conversation unlike the rest of everyone here Suit Guy is not a coward and I AM getting clowned on for this shit

Iā€™m misremembering your Stratagem-10 alignment :+1:t2:
But I know you were town in Hellā€™s Echoes
Iā€™ll compare the two games when I have time (I have to leave in like 5 minutes and Iā€™ll be gone for like an hour and a half)


In case anyoneā€™s wondering, Iā€™m not gonna vote anyone until Creamā€™s checked my reads (#311) and we agree on a consensus POE. Donā€™t think we have any conflicting opinions on a slot so far, tho.

Also we played in Umineko together where I was wolf as well.


I donā€™t remember a damn thing from Umineko and I refuse to reread it on account of how pissed off Memes made me that game