Binary Stars Hydra JoaT10 - Town wins!

Here is my post where I begin eating HK alive for a very similar reaction to what Guava/Raffles had! Not the same player or anything but I would be AMUSED if my trick worked again.

As for Derps beyond not liking their opening I have found little to latch onto the slot for aside from believing Marl’s meta read because believing meta reads is high ev.

Because I responded before I read someone go “hey let’s not respond to this it’s probably rolefishing” and I was like “oh. Oops.”

I understand that you want people to think you’re town - trying to defend yourself isn’t necessarily scum indicative or anything - but not wanting anything other than for people to think you’re town is.

My concern with your patterns of behaviour is that it shows a lack of… underlying thoughts, which is a tell you find in wolves a lot. Someone genuinely solving will think about the game beyond what they post in thread, someone pretending won’t.

You seem like you’ve… completely missed the point of my post, honestly, something I’ve noticed quite a few people do this game.

Game feels off as in state of the VC and state of the thread. Pet theory (guess whose) is that at least one wolf is decently active. In an effort to have a productive D1, we collectively agreed that the conversation cannot circle on Boston and Terrence for the entirety of the day, and we would at least like to pressure other slots and explore other options to at the very least solidify our reads there, whether those reads end up being town or scum. Our reads are not as strong as we would like them to be currently. We want to start with someone who is under the radar and drag them out under the spotlight, and settled on you.

So, in playing my role as Psyx’s content generator, I have questions for you:

  1. Why do you read my entrance post as wolfy?
  2. What is sdaps hydra? lol
  3. Who is your strongest town read and why?
  4. How confident are you on your sdaps/kanave scum team?

I am everything between “Cream start” and “Cream end” if that helps.

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Which posts specifically?

Then keep you’re vote on me and you’ll see that unfortunately I’m not a wolf I just think that every thought that comes to my head is worth sharing to the entire world


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according to hydra chat zone liked this one:


I don’t discount the possibility you’re town, but you’re >rand wolf for now, and unless someone finds me something I think is wolfier, I’m happy to stick with this for now.

:thinking: … Okay that one is fair in my mind. The townread came a little easy so was a little wary.

You’ve made a post that gives me very similar vibes to this in Hell’s Echoes
Doubting my read a little
You’re probably not going over anyway


But I still don’t think there’s anything wrong with what I said because I didn’t think about the possibility of rolefishing until someone else brought it up which I didn’t read until after I responded

Entirely possible what you said is true. You are not as experienced as HK and don’t have the same degree of “know better” but to be clear… it’s for sure not role fishing.

Who said it was role fishing first

they are probably town who doesn’t understand role fishing, let me check

Okay Leafia can be town.

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I am gonna be sad if the only person who posted an Orochimeowru picture for us is mafia. :(

That was such a precious picture though…

We have agreed that if your slot is scum we have been fooled. I think Cream is town, Zone thinks you are town. The bamboozlement is complete.


big fan of town doing decent without our existence, big hater of the amount of catchup that would ruin my wim, therefore it is not going to happen

What is the basis for your own townread?

  1. I think that was leafia not me Ill ask them, though I asked them for their reads earlier and they never mentioned you
  2. terranceleehaw
  3. Neon/Marl, when I looked at the past game from marl and his posting style here it just made me think “yeah this guys town.” I am threatened by marl if he is a wolf but I also feel like he would be playing this game a bit differently if he was. I’d look into him more if the sdap hydra (terranceleehaw) is town but I dont think that to be the case
  4. 71%

Honestly I kinda think the bread people are town tbh

@BigFooled @SonicAndKnuckles @terranceleehew

I am not sure if you guys are going to give reads of your own volition at this rate. Can I ask for a readlist?

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