Binary Stars Hydra JoaT10 - Town wins!

wait but i can’t be trusted with control help

I do not believe Achro is a wolf here at all

Mainly cause i suck at the game of mafia

i have come to the same conclusion after about 100 posts from each

hands marl the keys

neon this is a bike it doesn’t need keys

We have the same view point on this so that’s probably good lol

That’s what you think. I installed an engine though.

I didn’t test it so chances are we explode but like… it’ll be fun

I do see your process btw, and I think the previous thought is just something that I wanted to express, more in the realm of “feeling” rather than “solid mafia read”

late night thoughts no filter sort of thing

i think i suffer from paranoia

idk i am not vibing this game my head feels stuck

i have an inkling wolves have thread control so i guess after scumreading neon then you by the looks of it imma just scumread everyone from top poster to lowest poster until i get somewhere

Jaiden don’t kill me i had to do it…i had to


i like the gifs

Me too but i promised to stop killing Jaiden computer and making them hate me

neon on a scale from 1-100 how sure are you jaidenliza are town

Sure, paranoia is fun.

Because my reads are pretty consensus I find it better if I take a step back and let players interact more to get an idea of what is happening. I don’t think anyone is ‘not seeing’ the things I see, as opposed to last game, so my world view is well represented.

if anyone has any questions for me though I will be glad to answer.


ok this is like 1 for 1 from a post from strat10 though

achro what are zones thoughts so far, if you can remember any

Boston though

on one hand

I do not feel a drive to solve, like i remember may saying she likes being town and idk if i’m remembering correctly but i think it’s because she likes to solve and here in this game it feels like almost backseating, like giving reads when asked sorta deal

on the other, from seeing mays post game thoughts

i think she is the sort of townie to have a hidden agenda and i do see that to some degree here with her saying she would follow aeriesraffles onto terrance and see what happens and idk i guess it could be faked but hm… i dunno doing it twice back to back gives me pause

i feel like i have other thoughts here that i don’t remember

i did call her townie for that string of “i don’t care about looking good” hmm…

Zone is pocketed by the not cream hydra of that, beyond that he hasn’t had much to say privately.

Well beyond the fact that he revels in suspecting people who suspect him for some reason lol


Psyx here! o/

Hmm do you have any specific points/posts in mind that seem to have a non-townie perspective? Or are you referring to those I quoted (#134, 253, and 259)?

I can’t quite explain it, but it’s like: whenever I read Raffles/guava’ posts, the tone is…pure? Genuine? Like there is no filter between their brain and fingers, and they’re immediately posting whatever they’re thinking as soon as the thought pops up in their head. Wolves, from my experience, either do a mental screening (wondering: “should I say this? Can I word it in a way that would make myself look better?”) and/or check their draft before posting just to make sure they didn’t slip. This is what I mean by townie perspective.

Altho, Cream did say in our chat that looking at the Aerie/kanave hydra head might give a stronger read (since she’s scared of Raffles/Guava fooling us). I ISO-ed the slot and it seems like Aerie/kanave hasn’t given much reads or opinions and is mostly just responding to her hydra head? I’d feel much better about their slot if Aerie/kanave takes the reigns (or is at least much more visible) for the rest of the Day or on D2.

As for Raffles/Guava’s reads on Mono & derps…they seem fine. I think they’ve assessed other people fairly (ie looking at both Achro & Zone slots before voting Mono, giving derps the benefit of the doubt and asking them to respond to NGM’s meta case + considering a t/t derps/NGM world) and aren’t just pushing targets for the sake of being seen as ‘doing something’.

I also agree with Cream’s assessment that Terrance and Aeries are not wolfbuddies.

Anyway, not willing to vote this slot for today.

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