Binary Stars Hydra JoaT10 - Town wins!

Going to head off for the night now so I’ll let YBW take over while I’m away sawing logs. :sleepingleafeon:

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Noting that I’d also like to put pressure on SonicAndKnuckles
I don’t like how the heads had a similar mindset to terranceleehew (i.e. not really wanting to play the game and actively dodging questions) now that terranceleehew has actually flipped scum

Also people were trying to CFD YOU
so I doubt you were gonna vote that lmao

Good Night!!


I meant that as an analogy for flipping my vote/reads last minute. But yeah, I wouldn’t vote me.

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honestly L-2 is probably too risky rn considering SquidSisters hammer mindset this game

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that was literally sod1

well. when i joined thread
not sod

I am really conflicted between

  • Letting my other hydra head solve this game when she logs on (although I would not be surprised if she comes to the same conclusion as me)
  • Posting about Sonic
  • Posting about Garfooled
  • Cooking food and eating dinner

ok rad
i need to just doubt myself less :joy_cat:
neon and i should be cleared until the end of days from derps’ flip

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also neon and i were going to deathtunnel achro today
thank god he died a hero instead of turning us into a villain

i’ll be catching up in a bit, gotta do some shift-open stuff at work and then i’ll read everything i missed

neither is a read, first post is a joke and second post is a joke

most likely due to postcount/no one voting dota
i actually dont know what the idea was cuz i know 100% he aint reading and neither am i

this one is personal paranoia i cant help you with that

ya keep going lol effort is towny halfassing is not

i mean i’m the one who didn’t listen to my gut and instead voted may just for ‘being a little off’

that’s a my bad for sure

i’m pretty sure that’s not what you’re asking
you’re asking if the scum know who the joat is from the start

and the answer is no

If you think that post wasn’t effort you should look at yourself

Like y’all aren’t even reading the game and you wanna talk about effort… what?


YES that is what I meant thank you :sob::sob:

i buy it honestly
i think raffles was genuine yesterday
dont want them elimmed today

i’m pretty sure the last scum is just garfooled and this game is extremely easy

if it’s not garfooled i think it is a toss up between leafia or orochi

but it is so far and away garfooled that the line in the sand can’t even be seen

Why do you think it’s not SonicAndKnuckles?

the only interactions with derps
all extremely easy to see from a w/w perspective
and by far the least towny slot in the game
