Binary Stars Hydra JoaT10 - Town wins!

imo when it comes to inactive players (and god knows just how many of this type I have to deal with back in our homesite — see #950), it’s pretty much just a toin coss whether you get a wolf or a slanking townie. I also believe that immediately assuming that ‘not putting much effort = wolf’ breeds complacency. So if Raffles doesn’t have any meta on Terrance, I think it’s pretty reasonable for him to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Anyway uhh…I think you guys can work on your communication a bit more lol

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Like if Achro managed to hold Zone back from OMGUS-ing everyone, you guys can work as a team too! :joy: :joy:

Speaking of Mono…gj with the shot! But I’m still a bit sad that Cream wrote this amazing Zone scumcase (on a townlean, yes) on N1 and it won’t be as funny if she even decides to post it. /sigh

Just curious but what clued you in?

I was gonna bring up a game as refuting evidence (Omnifarious FM), but after checking it turns out there was a wolf in the D1 & D2 town counterwagons so nvm lmao

But still, I believe Aerie is town as much as Cream believes NGM is town, and though her reasons are much greater/heavier than mine…ugghh but their tone is so pure? Like if they’re wolf here then I’m just gonna stop using tone reads because I clearly suck at it. (Btw Cream does think Aerie is town and same for me with NGM – but the belief is just lesser than our picks)

Is this Eliza? What does “itd make sense if jaiden is just having their team blow up again” mean?

I do!! (but after you’ve gotten some rest <( ̄^ ̄)> =3) Have I ever mentioned I love your wallposts? Because I love your wallposts :wink: :heart_hands: :sparkles:

I don’t think town!dota goes into the thread, sees no one voting for him, and goes: “ah yes, town is doing decent”, because ‘decent’ means there is something upper (“great”) and lower (“terrible”).

It would make sense if town!dota thinks: town isn’t voting me → town is NOT gonna misyeet (me) → town is doing great!

But no, he uses ‘decent’. What does make sense is that dota slipped, and due to TMI his thoughts were:

  • Great = town finds 2 wolves
  • Decent = town finds 1 wolf
  • Terrible = town finds no wolf

Btw, what I meant by “My opinion of town!Zone is at rock bottom.” is that my expectations for town!Zone has gotten so low that as long as the guy makes reads (without a single fakeclaim!!) Imma go “yep, that looks town to me” :sweat_smile:

this is jaiden. i was making fun of the fact that i rolled scum twice in a row and scum got rolled both times

Cream wrote something in our chat on why she thinks Leafia is town; lemme just go find it

  • Leafia makes a meta read, checks the game it was from, then flips their read (all on their own initiative/unprompted)
  • Meta diving to confirm the read == townie behaviour, because wolves have no incentive to double-check (it’s unlikely people are gonna verify that meta, and even then the wolf can just say “oh, guess I misremembered, teehee~ ☆”)
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like i said earlier the line in the sand between leafia and garf/sonic is extremely far

odds are the game just ends after we kill sonic and garfooled

I also think Leafia was towny with the way they reacted to us voting their slot:

Like, at that time Cream and I felt the thread was too stale (discussion was stuck on just Terrance & Boston). Cream wanted to shake things up, so I suggested voting someone who hasn’t been talked about much (Squid or Leafia). It ultimately just sunk into the pond without making a single wave, but I think wolf!Leafia (who hasn’t been voted or sussed at that point iirc) would’ve taken note of it and focus on us. Or at least give a stronger reaction? Instead of seemingly shrugging us off and then forgetting about it.

Honestly a bit envious lol. Maybe I should study your playstyle :joy: (Is this YBW or Leafia?)

that’s ybw
leafia has the leafeon emote on all their posts


Is this you confessing your guilt…? :sweat_smile: :joy:

leafia signs her post (and while I make fun of signing posts I do really appreciate it bc I am a very lazy person), and I don’t, so if u see a :sleepingleafeon:, thats leafia

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i lowkey agree but I wanna still try and find the wolf between orochi and aerie (assuming there is one) if both sonic and garfooled are both town. After thinking about it more i think it is less likely they are both town and one of aerie or orochi are wolf like I previously thought but I still think its a possibility thats worth considering.