Blackjack Misc (7/7) - Round 5


Oh bj pays 3:2

Do I not need to pay off my debt? :joy_cat:

You should delay paying it off lul

Btw will jane go back to bankeuptcy 0?

Or can the bankeuptcy bar never go down

bankruptcy counter does not fall

your consequence is +1 bankruptcy counter
you’re now on 2500 TAC/1 BRC (bankruptcy counter)

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oh waiit

yeah that’s how it works just double checked

round 1 you bankrupt, gaining 1 brc and getting 1k back
round 2 you pushed so nothing happened
round 3 you won 2500 tac so you’re now on 2500 tac and 1 brc

completely ignoring me


uhhhhhh okay
ill allow you to either leave the table or bet behind lilith despite you knowing lilith has a soft 14
the choice is yours

and also having info on the dealer’s cards too

min bet behind em

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Time to bet 2500 next round


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