ok finally got time to sit down and solve this damn game
ok zorvo burns
yeah no this is still just as bad as when i first saw it, even with full context now
@vulgard what the heck did you mean you agreed with it entirely? eliza was just doing the exact same thing she always does
i fail to understand how that is even wolfy arete
if nothing else, wolves are LESS likely to make statements prodding people like that
it’s not like she’s shading his alignment, just calling him stubborn

i will let seth seth but i’m torn because in spite of my grievances right now if i were to use lol’s fairly accurate metric of “seth making sense = wolf and seth not making sense = town” he would be town. tt doesn’t change the fact i struggle to see him genuinely believing anything he’s said regardless of his alignment but i think it’d be easier to solve him from content he makes while unprovoked
arete is probably town . i could elaborate. but i could also not.
gn chat
first good post in the thread wrt the zorvo stuff
but also i do want you to explain why you think arete was town at this point

spooky halloween game on MU
it’s still ongoing so I can’t say
i would recommend the next time you get asked this question to just completely omit the existence of ongoing games and to just give the last finished game as your answer

there’s something about FOL that makes my reads worse than they usually are
there must literally be some science with this because i experience this regularly every time i play on fol
@Arete you should write an mu article on this theory and do the study on whether it’s factual or not

Here I am at first planning to just type something basic like “Your VT has arrived” or some “I’m Town” shit but instead I seen Magnus in thread and decided hey fuck why don’t I start making a joke claim in a vanilla setup, surprised no one called me sus for fake claiming Cop in Vanilla Setup, but perhaps everyone’s aware it be joke.
Then as I’m sticking my finger up my ass, I take a look to see a response to my post:
the fact that you are probably correct on arete makes this post 2000% more cursed
the megaphone in your pfp really sells the energy of this post

what the heck did you mean you agreed with it entirely? eliza was just doing the exact same thing she always does
I disagree but don’t want to argue over this. Please stop wolfsiding with this read.
part of me wants to just sheep aro’s reads, pretend they’re mine and call it a day
i’m not dropping it until i get arete to explain it in a way i find satisfactory
it’s arete, if they are town and being genuine they should be able to
ok aro died right after questioning arete and calling into question the arctic wagon at eod2
i’m feeling extremely fucking validated in saying arete is w

|Phraze, May, ElizaThePsycho|
only possible hit on it is may though

Jarek, I think you are wrong about Zorvo.
Okay sure I could be lets pretend I am for now, who are we voting instead

okay now jarek’s fucking with my townread on him
like, i’m assuming that full solve post was a joke, but it feels like he’s been predominantly giving wolf reads, including some that are very clearly incompatible, like arctic and zorvo, and doing very little to try and figure out which of them are wrong?
Yeah I tend to just do that, wolf-reads are more fun to give out than town-reads are and my reads are mega-flexible anyway so I don’t feel like explaining myself every 5 minutes why one of my town-reads is now a lockwolf I just play like that. It probably messes with people but so long as I don’t get wagonned for it I have no reason to change.