Bland & Flavorless Mountainous 15er - Mafia Winnered

i wouldve replaced in but i forgo to backup

you confuse me

But actually the way you and Arete paralleled each other’s cases made it kinda clear they you weren’t W/W, as you were in a distancey scenario - one had to be setting up the other (they never stack, Jarek) - and Arete was the one who was pulling out way more legitimate frustration cards against Zorvo, which is kinda a cheap way to read someone, but I’d also been pretty convinced you were a wolf throughout various times in the game, and Zorvo was clearly at least a little wrong the way he was still alive, which, alongside the way you treated Lemon, the “sorry if this is wrong”, all that stuff, made it pretty clear this was a 1v1 and you were not the one winning it, at least in my own mind; honestly, my wolfread on Arete wasn’t even a good one, it was sheeping Zorvo for the sake of sheeping Zorvo, and it was a way to conveniently wipe away Arete’s slot from my mind so I didn’t have to deal with reading them, which is not a strong basis for solving the game.

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This was supposed to be a smiley face that was a typo. But the frown is funnie

May telling us about deep gregory and freddy lore

What does this mean


i was trying deliberately not to do that but i certainly could have

yeah uh
i hope you have slightly more pause about doing this in future but what do i know


I see text longer than 3 rows and I’m like :dizzy_face:

It’s funny.

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Plus Zorvo and I have observed this phenomenon where our skill at the game is inversely correlated. Whenever I do badly, he does well, and vice versa. So if I feel like I don’t know what to do and I think Zorvo is town I’ll automatically put my trust in the strange forces beyond our control

Anyway that Prisma vote was in no small part my fault I was fucking around and pretending to believe Arctic in what would’ve read as facetious to most people but I should’ve made it clear to Prisma that I thought Zorvo was always town here. I will take a piece of the L on that

i knew you were trolling me and the only reason i was bothering to post in the first place was beacuse prisma was town and our only chance of winning today was convincing specifically them which i didn’t think would be that difficult if i just echoed their reasons to scumread zorvo that were not actually wolf indicative for him, because i knew it would resonate with prisma

i had to be careful though and not directly appeal to them because if we didn’t win today i’m worried that would have spewed them as town, which was why i didn’t really try that hard

Maybe if I’d actually followed through on fuck the rules KILL ARCTIC!!! things would’ve gone better. This is a lesson to everyone

I don’t think that’s it.

meh usually it’s better to play it normally but this is one case where just killing me was probably optimal out of fear that a town prisma misvotes

No I think all towns should take this one specific case where recklessness was better and falsely conclude that it means caution is unnecessary I think that the conditions of this game should be considered to apply to all scenarios even the ones in which they do not. Because I’ve got to rand wolf eventually


Anyway I didn’t want this game to be my first win even if it would be really cool if we came back from that disadvantage it’s fine losing is awesome <— Coping

@Chloe Is this true or is Arete a big evil mafia liar

@Chloe Is this true or is May a big evil mafia liar

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Anyway someday we will learn what my wolf game looks like. But as of now you (and I) have no idea, so you all will just continue making guesses at it until it happens. Sorry gang this wasn’t it either. You’ll figure it out eventually