Bland & Flavorless Mountainous 15er - Mafia Winnered

I didn’t particularly want Otter to be executed on the first day, either. They seemed Town and I didn’t see how the execution would lead anywhere.

“vibereading a player and making up a reason to justify it” is something I’m used to seeing, just, I would’ve expected you to give that up earlier and admit ‘that’s not my real reason, I was making it up’ when I started pointing out reasons your argument didn’t make sense

obviously on me for misreading, just, I figured I’d explain my thought process

At the start of the game, I thought you had, like, an ever-so-slightly different tone than you normally did… could’ve been Prisma, could’ve been exam week, could’ve been me making something out of nothing. I actually went back to previous games to see if you made as many jokes about being evil in towngames, and you did, but I was too deep into the read to turn back then… so I justified it as “oh but they’re different jokes”. Clown mistake.

Oh, and it could’ve been that in Starcraft, our most recent game together, you were doing the thing where you pretended to be scum, so your tone was probably different there - so maybe it was that you were doing something weird in my control game, which messed up my reads.

This is hilarious in hindsight.

I would never pretend to be scum. In Starcraft, I employed a scum mindset. To catch your prey, you must think like prey.

All-in-all, I’m a hypocrite for scumreading someone for sounding different between different games, because every time a mafia game begins I put the playstyle randomizer on and just do whatever comes up :frogge:

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but can you win a mall

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You cannot. I cannot. Nobody can. It is simply impossible to win a mall. We’ve been over this.

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That movie was bad idk why you’d want to team up with it

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The next game in the queue is an invitational, so we all know I’m not making the cut to that game.

How do people own malls, then?

The books are always better.

It was a live-action ATLA bad level of movie though

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So much potential too :(

technically invitationals don’t take queue slots but, uh, we don’t currently have any other games in the vanilla queue (+ things have been slow to fill anyways)

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LITERALLY impossible to win a mall

There are plenty of other methods of obtaining malls other than winning them. You could, for example, lose a mall.

you keep using that word i do not think it means what you think it means

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I know what a mall is!!!


but do you know what impossible is?