Bland & Flavorless Mountainous 15er - Mafia Winnered

Not confident ones, at least not until I get around to full on reading. Out of the house ATM and will get to it tonight

Pretty sure we should be able to solve the game here, just gotta stop the back and forth arguing.

iirc we literally have not played a game where we were both villagers in the last year :joy_cat:

you hard misread me in Squid Game although in the opposite direction

and iirc you had some Arete w bets in semis but I donā€™t remember for sure


No you were in PAC and ā€¦ also misread me there


When was the last time you saw wolf Eliza, are you still in the ā€˜Eliza canā€™t post reads as scum at allā€™ mindset? because that hasnā€™t been true in several months

doesnā€™t show up until EoD tomorrow. Asks "what I missed and nothing else, PFP 3 shades closer to red.

12-posts in lylo, complains when a villager gets yeeted, PFP now in the form of a man with a club

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No sheā€™s literally a katze

As in
Tries way harder as scum and Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s the main reason she plays

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That is


That is definitely not my experience with her :wowee:

Like I did specifically go read some of her ā€œmeta breakingā€ games to see if she actually broke her meta and it was like ā€œwow she actually has readsā€ but not like ā€œwow she is trying harder than normal,ā€ and before her Meta Breaking Games it was like

maybe occasionally slightly okay on volume but the posts all sucked

Arete when have town Elizaā€™s posts not sucked, going by that same metric

What does it even mean to suck

If weā€™re talking pre-meta-break Eliza one of the games Iā€™m thinking of is Corrupt Votes on the old site, where we townread her on day 1 for not being frozen, and then at some point I went back and read her posts, and it was like

60 posts total with enough content posts that I could count them on one hand

She has never been a very depthful villager but sheā€™s not that bad

my current read on Vulgard discounting the previous slot occupant is ā€˜he is truthfully reporting a bunch of reads that he made with no TMIā€™

also ā€˜well I really hope heā€™s a villaā€™ but thatā€™s even less of a read

anyways people are going to hate this take but Vulgard townreading me is legitimately close to lock clearing for me (conditional on him being a villager which I am not yet certain of), like Iā€™m not completely incapable of fooling him but it requires that I put basically all of my effort into optimizing for Trying To Fool Vulgard which is not a thing I would do if he werenā€™t even in the game


want to talk to me about Otterpod?

Want to talk to you about everything. What do you have?

a massive pile of uncertainty and doubt

concern about Arctic

concern that Zorvo is going to be obnoxious about it in postgame if heā€™s right that Arctic is a wolf even though his initial reasoning for suspecting Arctic was largely predicated on a false assumption

vague bitterness at myself for, yesterday, noticing midday that I was experiencing the specific sort of nervousness about the prospect of someone being a wolf that often means they are and I just donā€™t want them to be, and then ignoring that fact. which is stupid since he hasnā€™t even flipped yet, he could still be a villager!

I think Zorvo is a villager. I think Lemon is probably a villager. I think Marl is playing to his town meta but Iā€™m less confident in this because he has gotten better at faking it.

I think May has had two kind of wack EoDs. I donā€™t know if itā€™s the kind of wack thatā€™s wolfy, and sheā€™s had some townie points outside of EoD.

I had some reasons to think Molly was town earlier, Iā€™d like it if you would take a closer look at them since youā€™ve wolfed with her before.

I hope youā€™re a villager. I donā€™t really have strong beliefs either way. If you didnā€™t have two days of definitively TMIless thoughts I would be clearing you for your current posting but you do, so.

Iā€™m glad youā€™re here; I was specifically hoping you would sub in when I saw there was a sub request at all.

I donā€™t really have strong wolfreads, not even Arctic even if I do think itā€™s ~likely, which is ā€“ not great. Like it means Iā€™m definitely Wrong On Someone but when I contemplate ā€˜actually fulfilling my basic responsibility to figure out whoā€™ it makes me want to close the thread and curl up with a blanket in my beanbag chair and play some online Pokemon. This is not really a great position to be in.

I think the most likely worlds where Arctic is town look like ā€˜he has unrelated brainthings going onā€™ and I have no idea how to handle this gracefully.

I wish my work didnā€™t ban us from using our work computers for non work purposes, Iā€™m not being any more productive than I would be if they did and itā€™s 10x more annoying to type.

Thereā€™s a small part of my brain thatā€™s like ā€˜we can just wait for LyLo and solve the game then, since weā€™re good at that!ā€™ but I think this is approximately the worst idea my brain has had all game, if my read on Zorvo is right that is just a lose condition.

I have a nice percentage-d readlist from day 1. I think my reads on that readlist are almost certainly going to be mathematically worse than a rock with ā€œ80% townā€ written by every person on the playerlist. (this might be mathematically guaranteed, I havenā€™t checked) The cool thing about literally attaching percentages is that itā€™s basically impossible to lie to yourself about what you believed!

Both of the last two executions got townier in about the last two minutes. This is something I deliberately suppressed from consideration because I basically always think it regardless of whether itā€™s right but I still regret it :wowee:

I think Iā€™ve gotten noticeably worse at FM in the past ~year. Iā€™m not really sure why, it might just be not playing it as often.

I still think Prisma is posting from an uninformed perspective (I saw you being unsure of why I changed my mind, I think I already explained it (adding quotes to mobile wallposts is even worse than writing mobile wallposts), but if you go find my explanation and are still confused I can try again)

Iā€™m seriously considering just surrendering my vote to you for the day and seeing what happens even though this is, like, objectively stupid.

I think Jarek is town. Every time I start to doubt this read he does something else thatā€™s townie, lol.

Neon wouldā€™ve killed Otter yesterday. I donā€™t know how strongly I should be considering this.

and I weakly think that a hypothetical version of me who didnā€™t care at all about not being executed except in as much as misexecutions are always harmful to the town wincon would have voted Arctic in the last minutes of yesterday

and there are kinds and kinds of mistakes to make in Mafia, but thatā€™s one of the kinds that Iā€™ve really tried to stamp out, which makes it feel somehow worse

which is maybe a dumb way to feel when I donā€™t even know if heā€™s a wolf. But.

I think some of his pushes have been bad but I also think heā€™s broadly been playing like his villager self. I think.

I feel like itā€™s much too early to tell.

Iā€™m struggling a bit with reading them because they posted a lot more last time I played with them.

My biggest point in Otterā€™s favor is that aro died defending them.

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can you expand on this