Blood on the Forums XX - Mathematician Hell - Signups (10/15 + 2)

But lizards may be a bit too chaotic for a forum format

Both travellers should be good, so that there are 9 good vs 2 evil.

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A mango

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If Iā€™m a mango, youā€™reā€¦ a sugar plum, I dunno.

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I donā€™t think I can see the plums in my pfp

There arenā€™t many fruits beginning with ā€œSā€.
Would you rather be a strawberry? It fits the colour scheme, I suppose.


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Noon is the worst possible time for me, if I want to catch EoDā€¦

Just for note.
3x+1 on itself isnā€™t an equation yet. (Since it doesnā€™t have any other part you are comparing it.)

Itā€™s called as a function by Mathematicians (and 3x+1 is nowhere close to impossible, since itā€™s a linear function, and has a solution for any and every possible rational X)

Think we did run it once

It wentā€¦ uhhhhh

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i won*

*terms and conditions apply

i kabal won as the libertine drunk
without knowing i was the libertine drunk :joy_cat:

hosts were obligated to give me a "you did garbage " trophy

Either way I personally have a distaste for the script

But people do swear by it

I would prefer something like 2023-08-29T01:30:00Z

Pfft you know that sounds bout right

I can see why some dont like it (me being good friends with the creator probably makes me bias) but its not the worse homebrew made

definitely far from the worst, and well

I do think most of my distaste is that I donā€™t personally like the character design, rather than it being bad outright (well besides Cominternā€¦)


theresa lot of bad/uninspired character design
nwc isnt that but kinda just doesnt feel interesting to me
same with FoR