Blood on the Forums XX - Mathematician Hell - Signups (10/15 + 2)

Signups close in three hours by the way.

honestly I also do not like the gameplay presented by the whisper relevant characters

in a script that supposedly encourages conspiracy, you’re just not doing that at all and instead randomly just going up to people (templar especially makes me wanna scream about this but even other roles)


oh sure /in

Choose a seat?

seat 12

i think neither FoR nor NWC does their “special mechanic” very engagingly

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Base 0 outsiders twice in a row.

This script includes a Sentinel. I found this out on the botcscripts site when I checked the source.

Sentinel is a based fabled

Even if it didn’t have one I’d add a sentinel in just for outsiders to potentially be in the game, whether they are or aren’t is besides the point, being able to bluff outsider is cool

i feel like with atheist, legion, vortox, drunk, mathematician, marionette, lunatic and spy on the script, I think it’s already rough without sentinel for anyone who rolls town

I have faith in our ability to balance :pleading_face:

Why are these characters problems?

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Drunk with Sentinel is beyond irritating to discover

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Mathematician isn’t problematic intensify just doesn’t want to think about how it works


you’re asking me why mathematician might be rough to play as on a script called “mathematician’s hell”

i dont want to roll mathematician on this script when the script is designed to make this specific role suffer

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Putting in the Gardener Fabled one sec.


the hell is that